Radiation Safety and Dosimetry

Our Virtual Reality operating theatre radiation safety/dosimetry simulation allows operating theater workers to experience and learn how to keep themselves and others safe from ionizing radiation.

Research evidence by the University College Dublin reported that our VR dosimetry software provides students with a clinical, practical, and career-focused learning.



More than 3.6 billion X-ray exams are being performed every year

For patients, the estimated rate for radiation errors like overexposure is 15 per 10,000 treatment courses.

1) Clinical staff working in a hybrid OR have a higher cancer risk because they are exposed to radiation everyday (Source: WHO Patient Safety Facts).

2) Inappropriate use of medical radiation and insufficient protection increase the risk even further. Continuous radiation safety training is crucial to improve both staff and patient safety as well as satisfaction (Source: Journal of Robotic Surgery).


Your step-by-step guidance for safe radiation exposure

Following the best radiation safety practices is not only beneficial both for patients and healthcare workers but a requirement. Radiation in our simulations is both visible and audible showing safe areas and practices and providing analytics for each user to improve their practice.
Radiation is an important diagnostic tool, but it must be treated with respect. There is significant room for improvement in radiation safety practices, which can vary widely from institution to institution, and from clinician to clinician. All who work in hospital radiation environments must make a commitment to the safer use of radiation, for the good of everyone.
Biplane Normal View
Biplane Radiation View
Top-Down View
Top-Down View Radiation Visualization

Personalised for various professions

Our Virtual Reality operating theatre simulation allows an Anesthetist/Anesthesiologist, Interventional Radiologist, Scrub Nurse, Circulating Nurse, Anesthetic Technician, or Radiographer to log in as a role in a busy theatre and depending on their profession, experience tasks which they would be required to do in real life.

Measurable ROI

This module provides a measurable return on investment, compared to the current system, of regulating ionizing radiation in medicine by providing a data-driven solution to radiation awareness by training the staff who work with ionizing radiation.

A better understanding

This module offers the user feedback on their current behavior and how that affects their radiation risk along with the radiation risk of their team allowing radiation safety training to be benchmarked for the first time.

Anytime, anywhere

We offer both VR and Desktop editions. For a more immersive learning experience on-site, learners can hop into Virtual Reality. However, in situations where VR headsets are not available, learners can still practice on their laptops.

Self-directed learning module

Learners can progress at their own pace with Virtual Reality sessions on radiation emission control and patient positioning. When comfortable, they can attempt self-assessment in simulation and adaptive questions.

Improve workforce knowledge

Improve radiation knowledge of your workforce by selecting different use cases of interventional procedures with a range of various roles and examination rooms. Our product offers real-time evaluation of individual radiation absorption.


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